Exploring Elon Musk’s Neurotechnology: The Current Human Trials of Neuralink’s Revolutionary Brain Chip

Exploring Elon Musk’s Neurotechnology: The Current Human Trials of Neuralink’s Revolutionary Brain Chip

A year after receiving clearance for testing, billionaire Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company, Neuralink, has successfully implanted its wireless brain chip into a human for the first time. Musk announced the successful implantation on Sunday, stating that the patient is recovering well. However, there has been no independent verification of Musk’s claims, and Neuralink has not provided extensive details about the procedure.

Neuralink, which was founded by Musk in 2016, aims to develop a brain-computer interface (BCI) through the use of a coin-sized device implanted in the skull. The device consists of ultra-thin wires that go into the brain to establish a connection with a brain activity registration disk. This disk can then send brain activity data to external devices, such as smartphones, via Bluetooth.

The initial product developed by Neuralink, called Telepathy, is intended to enable individuals to control their phones or computers simply by thinking. Additionally, the company claims that implanting the chip in the part of the brain responsible for motor function could help individuals overcome neurological disorders. The first recipients of the implant are expected to be those who have lost the use of their limbs.

The ongoing human testing phase aims to collect data on the safety and effectiveness of the brain chip while also contributing to its further improvement. Musk reported promising results in terms of neuron spike detection, indicating that electrical and chemical signals are being transmitted between neurons in the body, allowing for regular bodily functions.

Prior to testing on humans, Neuralink conducted experiments with monkeys and pigs. The company showcased examples of monkeys “playing” video games and moving a cursor on a screen using their Neuralink implants. While Neuralink claims that no monkeys suffered fatal consequences from the implants, there have been reports of issues such as paralysis, seizures, and brain swelling.

There are currently around 40 ongoing brain-computer interface trials underway, as listed in an online database of active clinical trials in the United States. Another company, Australia-based Synchron, implanted a brain-computer interface device into a patient in the US in July 2022. Synchron’s implant does not require cutting into the skull for installation. While other trials primarily focus on medical applications, Musk


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